Terms and Conditions
I have tried to lay out my T & C’s in as plain English as possible. If you would like to read full legal terms and disclaimers for the website including use of submitted information and cookies, please take a look at the website privacy page.
Presentation of the Site
In accordance with the law n ° 2004-2005 of June 21, 2004 for the Confiance in Digital Economy (LEN in french), the legal mentions put at the disposal of the public the information concerning the site www.juliejohnson-glass.com
Julie Johnson
51, rue Prof. Jean Renaud
22500 Paimpol
M / juliejohnson-glass@hotmail.com
W / www.juliejohnson-glass.com
Director of the publication: Julie Johnson
Terms of Service
The use of the site www.juliejohnson-glass.com implies the full and complete acceptance of the general conditions of use described below. These conditions of use may be modified or supplemented at any time, users of the site www.juliejohnson-glass.com are invited to consult them regularly .
This site is accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, except in cases of force majeure, computer problems, maintenance, difficulties related to the structure of communication networks or technical difficulties.
Proposed services
The purpose of the site www.juliejohnson-glass.com is to provide information concerning the activity of the business.
Julie Johnsion endeavors to provide information as accurate as possible. However, she can not be held responsible for omissions, inaccuracies and deficiencies in the update, whether by him or by the third party partners who provide this information. If you notice a gap, an error or what appears to be a malfunction, thank you kindly to report it by email, to the address juliejohnson-glass@hotmail.com, describing the problem as accurately as possible.
All the information indicated on the site www.juliejohnson-glass.com are given for information only and are subject to change. Furthermore, the information on the site is not exhaustive. They are given subject to modifications having been made since they went on line.
Limitations of liability
Any downloaded content is at the user’s own risk and under his sole responsibility. Consequently, Julie Johnson can not be held responsible for any damage to the user’s computer or any loss of data resulting from the download. In addition, the user of the site agrees to access the site using recent equipment, not containing any viruses and with a browser of last generation up-to-date.
Moreover, the use of information and content available on the entire site www.juliejohnson-glass.com, can not in any way engage the responsibility of Jukie Johnson for whatever reason. The user is the sole master of the proper use, with discernment and spirit, of the contents made available on the site.
Intellectual property
Julie Johnson owns the intellectual property rights or holds the rights to use all the items available on the site, including text, images, graphics, logos, icons …
Any reproduction, representation, modification, publication, adaptation of all or part of the elements of the site, whatever the means or process used, is prohibited, unless prior authorization. Any unauthorized use of the site or any of the elements it contains will be considered as constituting an infringement and prosecuted in accordance with the provisions of articles L.335-2 and following of the Code of Intellectual Property.
Declaration CNIL
In accordance with Law 78-17 of 6 January 1978 (amended by Law 2004-801 of 6 August 2004 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data) relating to computers, files and freedoms, the site www.juliejohnson-glass.com is not declared to the CNIL since it does not collect personal data.
Hypertext links
Julie Johnson offers on the website www.juliejohnson-glass.com links to third party sites. It can not be held responsible for the content of these sites and the use that may be made by users.
Applicable law and relevant laws
Subject to French law, the website www.juliejohnson-glass.com is governed by law n ° 2004-2005 of June 21, 2004 for Confidence in the Digital Economy (LEN in french), articles L.335-2 and following of the Intellectual Property Code and the law “Informatique et Libertés” of January 6, 1978 amended in 2004